Google Analytics
Monday, March 03, 2008 | Author: Jo Goodwin
Wow, I've just started using google analytics (and yes I know I'm a little behind the times here). Ok, so I've only used it on this site at the moment and since I only created it a few hours ago the traffic is, lets say, minimal.

It's been a while since used analytic software and it's come on leaps and bounds. One of the most innovative tools is a page overlay, which tells you exactly where your visitors have been clicking. Genius and so useful for accessing your website's usability.

I will be trying it out in more detail on a bigger, real life, e-commerce website next week, who sell canvas art (

I did glance across an article criticising google analytics earlier, so I shall endevour to find out more. As it is the clock is ticking and I really should be in bed. Perhaps I'm getting a little over excited about this blogging business.
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